Current Events

Houthis at a Glance
The Houthis are an armed political and religious group which champions Yemen's Shia Muslim minority, the Zaidis. The Houthis routinely use child soldiers in combat, impose a regressive code of Sharia, have been accused of enslaving African migrants, and are about to be re-classified as a terrorist organization by the U.S. Department of State.Read More
Iran attack widens rift between activist left and Dem moderates

The latest flashpoint in the Israel-Gaza war shows both sides calcifying their stances.

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Antisemitism in Dearborn, Past and Present

My hometown loved Henry Ford. Today some residents are all too keen to echo his ugly views about the Jews.

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The Golden Age of Jewish Hockey

Beginning with Montreal Canadiens icon Maurice “the Rocket” Richard in 1945, 99 different players have scored 50 or more goals in a single National Hockey League season.

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After Antisemitic Allegations, USC Cancels Valedictorian’s Address

Trojans for Israel posted to social media that they “are deeply disappointed that the University chose to platform a student who would elevate the very voices who target, harass, and exclude Jewish students.”

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Harvard Seeks To Dismiss Lawsuit Alleging ‘Pervasive’ Antisemitism on Campus

Harvard filed a motion in federal court on Friday to dismiss a lawsuit filed by six Jewish students that alleged the University failed to address “severe and pervasive” antisemitism on campus.

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2 School Districts to Testify as Congress Expands Antisemitism Inquiry

A congressional committee that questioned college presidents about how they have handled protests over the Israel-Hamas war is now focusing on K-12 school districts.

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